Updated: Hey! Sorry i haven't updated for a long time :( It's because i wented out of city, and i been thinking about moving this site some where else like geocities, and i already started setting things up, i just need to fix a few more things and the new and improved Eric Winter fan site will be ready! It's going to have a lot of cool things, i'm going to add spoilers, screen caps, etc... I really hope you are going to like it! I'm trying to get everything ready by next week, i been really working hard on it. Any way i updated a few things around here, like i added 1 link, and some pictures, and i also updated the news. For more info go to the message board. Thanks!
Hey like the new layout? the purple look? lol, well i added some pictures in the Image, added a Kristen Storm link, there is an important message in Caption This pleace check it out especial the ones who submited captions. Ummmmm keep on forgetting what i updated, lol, oh ya i updated the message board! I got rid of the old one and added a new one on which is pretty cool, so check it out here, and got rid of the poll because i'm fixing something so i'm going to add the poll on my next update, that's pretty much it, so hope to see u at the message board. (2/23)
I updated the photo gallery added few picture some of the pictures are from wireless so they are kind of small. I added an award page and an article page. Got 6 article about Eric up which was in the soap opera digits, and this site won 2 awards! :) which just made my days one from the Golden Globe and the other from a days' site. You could also win an award from this site for more info go
here. Also added some info on Eric next apperance. Well i think that's pretty much it, ummm oh ya i added a link at the bottom of the page so you can vote for Eric Winter fan site (this site) at DOOL'S voting page. The votes are cleared weekly, and you can vote onces a day.(2/8)
Sorry i haven't updated for a long time, i been busy with my mid term exam this week. Well i added like about 20 - 25 pictures in the picture gallery. I found out a lot of people were having problem to enlarge the pictures, i found out what was wrong and i fix it, now you can enlarge all the pictures, except a few cause that's its origenal size. I also added some info on the Bio (about Eric's apearence on The Other Half) and some news (his appearences) in the Exras. I also added 2 new amazing links check them out. I think i'm gonna change the lay out, i'm getting really bored of this one, lol.(1/26)
Eric appeared on the TV show The Other half, on Jan. 6, for more info go to
Got some more pictures up in the picture gallery!(12/1)
I added a message board, check it out and post some treads. Go to:
I got some more pictures i want to put up but first i want to know your opinions about my site.(5/1)